Wednesday, August 19, 2009

What's Up?

Finally, a light at the end of the tunnel that has been this very much mediocre summer of cinema. Well, actually, this movie came out in May...

Finally, a light at the beginning of the tunnel that has been this very much mediocre summer of cinema.

That doesn't really work.

Man, thank God for this light that was at the beginning of the dark tunnel that has been this very much mediocre summer of cinema. That'll work.

I'm not even gonna list 'em, but let's face it. Movies this summer have not been up to their regular summer blockbuster excellence. Transformers, Terminator and even G.I. Joe couldn't make themselves worth the money for the ticket. Need I mention that only one of those three weren't sequels? Yeesh.

It's never a surprise these days when a younder audience's flick makes huge bank, because let's face it, kids have time on their hands and don't have to worry about paying for the ticket, so there's none of the skepticism so common amongst the more mature beings that we refer to ourselves as being. I wish I was my age but still a kid at the same time. Life would be sweet. You could sleep in, play XBox for hours, hit the playground with a reliable juice box in hand (probably apple flavouring), and end the day with a viewing of Up, the new Pixar flick.

By now, if you're reading this, you've seen this movie, so I don't have to waste your time with an explanation, and if you haven't seen it you must be dead and reading this, and in that case, you should visit your local church for a quick exorcism. This article is going everywhere, I apologize.

This is great flick, and gets two thumbs UP from me, and 6/6 bottles.

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