Tuesday, January 19, 2010

A Serious Man

A Serious Man, the latest Coen Brothers experience, is a difficult movie to rebrew. I should probably just start off by saying that I think this is an incredible film. I absolutely loved every minute, from the driving bass line of Jefferson Airplane's "Somebody to Love" in the opening credits to the whirling special effects of a tornado at the end. It was great.


I say that not only as a huge fan of the Coens, but also as a huge fan of cinema in general. I can see how some would find this film boring, even pointless. It uses quite simple cinematography, beautiful though it is. And frankly, you have to pay attention to the script, because while it is very subtle, it is hilarious.

Based on the Book of Job from the Old Testament, it's hard to imagine Serious Man being at all funny, but if you know the Coen Brothers, then you can trust that even the darkest situation has its comedic element and that it will probably be played out somehow. This movie delivers.

It's not too long, so if you think you're up to it, sit down and watch this, because it is definitely worth a view.

6/6 from me.

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